Sunday, November 15, 2009

Religous Get Well Words How To Get A Cockatiel To Stop Saying Certain Words?

How to get a cockatiel to stop saying certain words? - religous get well words

I had left the city for more than a month to himself with a terminal over a few months. I went to find my husband, our cockatoos taught over two years ... Choice words. How do I get my bird to stop the curse? It was so embarrassing, my grandmother came to dinner the other night. It is very religious. Each burst there with Spike explenitives, crossed himself and said a prayer. In the middle of the meal, stood up suddenly and said: "Well, my lady, I think I had enough of his birdie, worse than a sailor Cusse." Took his cane and walked to the door before he apologize fat. HELP PLEASE!

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