Saturday, January 30, 2010

Do Earphones Of Itouch Are Covered By Apple Warranty Do I Get A Warranty When I Damaged My ITouch Earphones?

Do I get a warranty when I damaged my iTouch earphones? - do earphones of itouch are covered by apple warranty

I bought these headphones at the Apple Store, without knowing it had a warranty.
But now I want to take, and I bought four times.
(I know I should change and get a new helmet)
I hurt my ear a long time, and just looks really bad because it is torn across. Not only that, but the noise was the sound of wrinkles. I wondered what it covers the warranty?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do not think that the helmet covers. You can always call and ask quickly. This site has a helmet at an attractive price if you need another pair,

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