Can I add these fish to my existing tank? - eye cloud in black moor fish
I am finally finished cycling my tank! So now I have 4 Albino Cherry Barbas, 2 white clouds (yes I know that their fish stocks) and four Pristella tetrad. Can I add ...
An eye goldfish or bubble
A black or Moor
A Betta, or
A few dollars in cash or
A gourami or
Guppies or
Mollies or
Plati, or
GloFish or
Glassfish, or
Ghost shrimp (or those in cherry red), or
Class or catfish
Ember Tetras, or
Bleeding Heart Tetra, or
Neon Tetras or
Red Eye Tetra?
Well, it was simply a list of a few fish, which I am now interested in the series YOU! Which fish than you think we should add? If I could just listen to them and how much. And do not give me that "Oh, you'll overwhelm him. Blah blah blah. "Tanks Because I have personally seen in my local fish shop was only half as tall as me, and I have two fish and fish well, since I left five years ago. I am not worry too much.
The average temperature is 70 to 80 degrees F. This is one gallons 20 people well and has a good filtration. Any response is appreciated!
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