Saturday, February 13, 2010

Glo Eye Tetras Can You Help Save My Fish?

Can you help save my fish? - glo eye tetras

Fish continue to disappear in my 29g tank. I have 2 snails, 2 algae eaters, the cherry barbs, neon tetras Glo Lite black tetras, red-eye tetras, black phantom tetras tetras and white cloud together. You can eat the dead ... I know that snails do not ... But they would not kill each other. The fish are not aggressive. I saw the water with a 5-in-1 strips. The only thing that was not the optimal amount of nitrite. It is the culprit? What are the causes and how can I solve this problem?


me said...

High concentrations of nitrate is reduced deadly.The best and fastest way to nitrate, which is once per day, one third of the variation of water is to ensure the water has been made, considered normal, ie with dechlorineator. After each change to see how they again.My nitrate was very ill for 6 weeks or less, have 4 days of updates, but it is the best and fastest way.I said tank for a few years, no more problems. You can buy products that claim to a lower level, but not yet experienced in my work.
Nitrate is a Poision as fast as fish can die.Some have a greater tolerance than other

Linda said...

For some reason, the chemistry of the water in the tank out of balance. Perhaps your water filter is not working? Or is it a biological filter, purify and kill all the bacteria? Or was it bites in the tank has deteriorated? There is good information listed on the website.

So to answer your question, could be nitrite, the offender there is cause a variety of things that nitrite content, and how to solve it depends on what is the cause.

Good luck!

dodgeyph... said...

is possible that nitrates are high, treated've solved my problem by using the water once a week, and the use of a liquid, but this time I do not see the name of it when you leave a store that sells the animals tropical fish that explain what should be used for nitrate in Al, it might include the possibility that use parasites in the water, which in turn kill for these fish I can Blue Methylan I treat my tank once a month, which also salt tonic It helps you to do is add water 3TSP Hope this helps and good luck

midzey said...

normal for their new tank ...
tetras are verry hard to understand
after a few months it will be very good ... Make sure you go where the temperature is above 26 ˚ .... Add other plantations in the tank ... that's all ...

MUA said...

Nitrates are bad. Everything is in the cycle of algae, rotting materials, waste, etc. I use what one of StressZyme Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, once a week. Good work. Quickly into the store and get it!

Vanimal said...

Nitrites are formed by a series of chemical reactions that break the fish waste (ammonia-> nitrite)-> nitrate.

If nitrite levels are high, it probably means something to remove the majority of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria.

Change a little water is not the answer in this case, because they lose some of the beneficial bacteria in that direction. Then call him again and again bacteria wait until you get the amount of nitrites and nitrates are lower before the change, a little water, and never take more than half of the water a water change. For now, a little salt water to reduce the effect of nitrite is in your fish.

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